
These pulled-up tree roots look like a small cave. I think that a fox or rabbit family could be living under it. Maybe
even a snake family ! Around it, there is a tangle of vines, perfect for hiding in!


Mount Abbot

Abbot has a huge snow mountain. There is so much snow we can’t go on the equipment. If you put one foot  into the snow then you will sink into the snow. So we’re not allowed to go in the snow. I think the snow will melt on March 11, 2011. And that is what Mount Abbot is.


The Nature Trail

One day in September we went on the Abbot Nature Trail. Our class saw a red maple tree at the start of the trail. Also, at the start of the trail there was a trail sign that was brown and white. The letters were capitals and white and the rest was brown. When we went into the trail it was almost covered in poison ivy and we had to step over it. We also saw Touch-me-nots and my teacher had said we could touch them. When we went out we went to a stream and around a loop. I love the Nature Trail.

Tree Swallows

This week on the trail we saw little bat-like figures. They were tiny Tree Swallows. They have small curved wings for gliding. Tree Swallows also have camoflauge. An enemy above would see their brown backs that blend in with the land. An enemy below would see their white bellies that blend in with the clouds. The students in room 21 wish the Swallows luck with their nests!

Prints in the Snow

When we first got on the trail we expected an endless blanket of puffy, thick snow. Instead we found a thin layer of snow, littered with animal tracks! We recognized some as rabbit tracks. Deeper in the trail we found two types of deer prints. One looked like a male deer, the other looked like doe foot prints. We guessed that the very small deer prints we found later on the trail were from fawns (young deer). I’m glad we got to go on the trail to see all of the animal tracks.